
Orthotics and arch supports are regularly recommended by physiotherapists, podiatrists and orthotists for the relief of foot pain, heel pain, shin pain, knee pain and back pain. Often, a biomechanical mal-alignment or lack of stability from the foot region can cause abnormal loads on the tissues of the foot and heel, shin, knee or back pain can develop as a result.

Fitting orthotics to ordinary shoes, can negatively affect the balance of the shoe, and also make it difficult to achieve a good fit, as the extra depth of the insole in the shoe lifts the foot slightly out of the shoe. The Sandpiper design, incorporates one or sometimes two removable insoles, so that the extra depth of an orthotic can be compensated by removing the insole in the shoe, and ensure a snug fit against the foot, and maintain the balance of the shoe.

More soon...

If this guide has inspired you to be kind to your feet and "discover real comfort" please take a look at the full range of comfort and wide fitting shoes on our website: www.sandpipershoes.com

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