Footwear for extra wide or swollen feet. Discover real comfort with Sandpiper.

Caring for FeetCaring for Feet

As we spend more than 50% of our life wearing shoes, it is obvious that we should spend more time finding and choosing the right footwear for our feet.  We expect a lot from our feet - we will walk more than 100,000 miles in our lifetime, so our feet deserve proper attention, with comfortable, well made, soft flexible shoes that give the correct support.

We would like you to benefit from our experience and passion, and hope that instead of finding shoes being a nightmare, we can make it easy for you to find and wear high quality comfortable shoes that really fit!

We also believe that having comfortable feet will make your whole body feel better, and the day go better! We have listed our top tips below to help you enjoy more comfortable feet:

  • Change socks or hosiery at least once a day, and choose socks with a high cotton content or wool to allow the foot to breathe naturally and prevent excess sweating
  • If your shoes have removable insoles, take them out to 'air' at the end of each day to prevent the spread of bacteria, which causes shoes to smell. Wear alternate shoes each day to allow them to dry thoroughly
  • Shoes should fit properly, with plenty of room at the front around the toes and a good snug fit around the ankle and heel
  • Make sure the shoe is fastened firmly, with your heel tight against the back of the shoe each time you put your shoes on. This will avoid your toes being cramped at the front of the shoe and the heel slipping as you walk
  • Make sure you wear the right shoe for the conditions - i.e. shoes or boots are better than sandals for rough or rocky terrain
  • Check and trim your toenails regularly. Cut your nails straight across rather than down at the corners, to avoid ingrowing toe nails
  • Wash your feet regularly, and ensure the foot is dried thoroughly, especially between the toes
  • Regularly apply a moisturising cream all over your feet, especially if your skin is dry
  • Take regular exercise to maintain and improve your circulation, then at the end of a busy day, sit with your feet up for 10 minutes to relax your feet and assist circulation
  • Remove hard skin using a pumice stone taking care to avoid undue pressure, or more boney areas and joints. Use our Chiropodist Locator to consult a chiropodist or podiatrist for regular foot checks and treatment

Please note: This information is provided as a guide only. Advice should be taken from your doctor or foot specialist for specific foot problems and conditions.

Sensitive FeetSensitive Feet

As we all get older, our feet change shape, and often we lose some of the natural padding on the bottom of our feet, that is present in our younger years.

Foot pain should not be considered normal, and should be addressed by consulting a professional.

Many conditions such as oedema, diabetes, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, neurological and vascular disorders or kidney and heart disease can often be identified by early warning signs as symptoms in the feet. Some problems with feet develop through illness, some as a result of poorly fitted shoes.

Sandpiper shoes are made from specially softened leathers, and cleverly designed features to ensure the maximum comfort for sensitive feet. From the padded ankle support, to the smooth soft linings, and the deeply cushioned insoles to the carefully crafted top-line, wearing Sandpiper is pure bliss for extra sensitive feet, especially if your feet have a tendency to swell a little during the day.